CAP Fitness Academy

Online Personal Training

Train with us

Check out the free trail today! (free trial link button, or button taking you to a page with all options)

Don’t just follow a plan, understand.

The goal of the academy is to teach you the principles of fitness and nutrition from basic to advanced so you can make the best decisions for YOU.

Use the Learn tab to access videos made specifically to help you understand what really matters when working towards your fitness goal.
Understanding these crucial principles will allow you to make decisions for yourself and remove dependency on all the fitness fads.


Learning the fundamentals is important, but we realize how vital motivation is to your success. All members will have the privilege to access to the private CAP Fitness Academy Members Facebook community group. Via our CAP APP Premium & Platinum members will receive weekly check-ins, and Platinum members will have daily access to coaches through the support chat on their app profile.


We don’t write generic meal plans for you. Instead, we help you calculate your macro and calorie requirements and help guide you towards your goals using the foods you choose to eat. We will also provide you with recipes that are both healthy and delicious!

Get the app


Welcome to the future of fitness. The CAP Fitness Academy Online Coaching App


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Together we learn, together we sweat, together we grow.

Each year our members particpate in free challenges to keep the motivation high.

Transform in 10

Positivity Challenge

Summer Sprint

Member Transformations- You’re Next!

(transformation pics)

Don’t miss a thing

Catch weekly emails in your inbox that may or may not include a life lesson, tips for the week, or just a story to help ease into your week.

(button for email capture)